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“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong” - Joseph Chilton Pearce

About Kaustav Mukherjee

Meet Kaustav Mukherjee, a distinguished artist whose journey into the world of art began at a tender age. However, it wasn't until 1996, when he encountered John Constable's majestic landscape masterpiece, 'The Hay Wain', that his passion for painting truly ignited. This pivotal moment marked the inception of Kaustav's deep commitment to the craft.


In 2011, Kaustav embraced his calling as a professional artist, driven by an insatiable desire to authentically express his artistic vision. He honed his skills through active participation in exhibitions and workshops, notably curated by Mr. R.N Batham at the esteemed Kala Mitra Gallery in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.


Today, Kaustav's artistry knows no bounds, captivating clients across the globe with his expertise in landscape, portraiture, and still life paintings. His ability to infuse his work with profound emotion and authenticity sets him apart. Through his portraits and still life compositions, Kaustav seamlessly bridges the gap between traditional realism and the modern essence of everyday life, all captured with masterful strokes of oil paint.


Kaustav Mukherjee Artist Self Portrait


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